Monday, November 21, 2011

Education for the 21st Century

We have known for a while that Big Changes in Education are imminent.  Our children are digital natives.  They have never used a rotary phone, a typewriter, watched black and white tv, or known life without computers.  They can multitask in ways that make us dizzy.  They communicate with their peers through texting and instant messaging and Facebook.  Remember when our parents told us to, "Get off the phone!"  In an age in which we can look up any fact we need online, what is the purpose of school? 
This is the question I would like to discuss in this blog.  We, as teachers, want school to be relevant and engaging for learners.  We want to be able to coach students to use technology wisely and ethically and we wonder how this is possible when they are more savvy than we are!  The world is changing so rapidly and how well we are able to adapt will be the test of our resiliency as educators.
So please read and respond.  Join a conversation about how to make school still matter.

1 comment:

  1. Great questions Mrs. Paxton. I talked with some students at our school today and asked a similar question. They are genuinely interested in having more opportunities to learn about things that interest them, more time with technology and, comments on their report cards that they can understand and that help with learning!
